To all my mom readers, Happy Mother’s Day!
Whether you were pampered by your kids with breakfast in bed this morning or left alone to enjoy a day at the spa, I hope you were treated like a queen. Mothering is tough and even thankless at times, but it is also the most rewarding job in the world. Today is our day … Enjoy it! In lieu of a Facebook shout out, I wrote my very own Mother’s Day rap. Deejay, gimme a beat …
Around the Way on Mother’s Day
written by Lauren Dewey Tarr, to the tune of L.L. Cool J’s “Around the Way Girl“
I want a day with a few extra hours,
sunshine, smiles and some pretty flowers.
Loving children with no attitude,
that’s all I need to get me in a good mood.
No laundry, no clean-up, no yelling today,
just a helpful family who does it my way.
Standing in the kitchen, listening without bitching,
are these really my kids or did someone do some switching?
Playing together on their best behavior,
while my husband lets me nap – now he’s my savior.
They’re following directions, doing exactly as I say,
let’s hear it for the boys, they’re gonna make my day!
I want a calm and happy day,
no fanfare or cheer.
I need a happy Mother’s Day,
just one day a year.
Okay, so maybe L.L. Cool J won’t be calling me to collaborate on his next song any time soon, but my kids enjoyed it. At least I like to think they did. Happy Mother’s Day!