Just when I thought it was safe to put away the glue sticks after last week’s book report t-shirt task, my third grader came home with a letter from his teacher detailing the fun, family project that was to be completed over the weekend — a leprechaun trap. Are you kidding me? Obviously, his teacher doesn’t read my blog and clearly we have different ideas of what constitutes family fun.
Like I said last week, I don’t do third grade arts and crafts (click here to read the post), so the leprechaun trap was not going to be a family venture. Luckily for me, my older son volunteered to help, so I got off easy without looking like a mean mom. Score one for me!
I also don’t do the messy, mischievous leprechaun thing. The leprechaun is the Irish cousin to the naughty Elf on the Shelf, and I don’t do that either. St. Patrick’s Day at the Tarrs does not include green toilet water, tp’d kitchens or tiny footprints everywhere.
What did we do to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Green clothes and green food. That’s it. It was a very watered-down St. Patrick’s Day. No tricks, no messes, no mayhem. No gold coins, no trinkets, no treats. No parades, no parties, no bar crawls. Okay, those last three haven’t happened in almost two decades, but you get the idea. Last spring, when I somewhat accidentally killed the St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun and the Easter Bunny (if you missed it, click here to read), I felt like I dodged a bullet. But really, I turned a corner. No more elaborate games or over-the-top decorations to celebrate, and no guilt about it. St. Patrick’s Day is now simply St. March 17th, or “Green Day.” And you know what? It works for us.

So to all those moms and dads who didn’t stay up all night making leprechaun traps, swapping kids’ blankets and leaving gold, chocolate coins in the cereal bowls, I hope you had a happy St. March 17th — however you celebrated.
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