Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’m generally not one for sappy sonnets and generic, grand gestures, but I do like to tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him on this day. He’s not perfect — far from it, actually — but he’s prefect for me in many ways and for many reasons. So despite the fact that he is a rather private person, I am dedicating this Valentine’s Day post to him.
A note to my husband: Remember, there’s always room for improvement (said lovingly, of course!).
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways …
I love how you make our bed every morning … but I wish you wouldn’t leave your shoes in the middle of the bedroom floor.
I love how you carry the folded laundry upstairs for me … but I wish you’d put it away sometimes (just your own stuff would be fine).
I love how you always put the toilet seat back down … but I wish you’d remember to always flush, too.
I love how you fill my gas tank after you borrow my car … but I wish you’d move the seat back so I can reach the pedals.
I love how you handle waking our oldest in the morning (waking a teen is like waking a bear!) … but I wish you’d remind him not to take a 20-minute shower.
I love how you put our youngest on the school bus a few days each week so I can get to the gym earlier … but I wish you weren’t still in bed when I left (I’m jealous!).
I love how you call me each day to check in … but I wish you could meet for lunch sometimes, too.
I love how you call me each night before leaving work to ask if I need anything brought in …but I wish your timing was better so you didn’t interrupt dinner.
I love how you eat whatever I cook … but I wish you’d eat more vegetables.
I love how you help clear the dishes after dinner … but I wish you wouldn’t leave your glass on the counter all day/night.
I love how you follow my insane “everything has a place, so put it away” craziness … but I wish you wouldn’t leave your coat on the back of the bar stool each night.
I love how you are passionate about sports … but I wish you weren’t so passionate about sports.
I love how you joined the gym for me … but I wish we could go together more often .
I love how you love me despite all my flaws, idiosyncrasies and nagging … but I wish you’d tell me more often just how imperfectly perfectly I am for you (okay, this one’s a stretch — but it’s okay because I already know it’s true!).
We may not always be on the same schedule and we may not always see eye-to-eye, but you are my lobster. My voice of reason. My North Star. I will always love you because you make me a better person. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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