My oldest made his Confirmation last weekend. As one of the seven holy sacraments (and the second of the three sacraments of initiation), it’s kind of a big deal in the Catholic religion because it marks a move into spiritual adulthood … Sort of like a bar mitzvah, but not.
Like all formal church events, there was a dress code to follow. Girls were expected to wear a dress or skirt and blouse (there were rules about length, style, shoe type, etc.) and boys were required to wear a dress shirt, tie, dress pants (or “slacks,” as my grandma would have called them) and dress shoes. Jacket optional. This “church-appropriate” attire was hidden underneath the ceremonial white robe (think high school or college graduation, for those of you unfamiliar).

No suit … Phew! Just the thought gives me agita. Flashback to four years ago when I searched high and low through four states (yes, four!) to find a boy’s size 8 navy blue suit for First Holy Communion. Because every 8-year-old Catholic boy also makes his Communion in early May, and most average-sized second graders wear a size 8, it was like finding a needle in a haystack! Thank goodness for the internet and my super-shopper mom. Side note: I relived this experience last year for my younger son who was too small to fit into his brother’s beautiful, expensive, worn-only-once, suit. Despite third times being a charm, I was relieved not to have to go suit hunting again this time around.

So without a suit to worry about, I though clothes shopping for this event would be a snap … Until I remembered the shoes. My 11-year-old wears a men’s size 9-1/2. Other than those two hours on Saturday in church, he had no need for dress shoes and would outgrow them before he could wear them again. A new pair of sneakers would have been a more practical purchase, but the religious education director said no sneakers. For a few days, I grumbled, complained and pondered my options. Then it hit me: If sandals were good enough for Jesus, then Sperry’s would be good enough for a 6th grader. I bought the soft loafers instead of the boat shoes … Comfortable, yet still dressy — the perfect compromise.

With brown loafers in hand (or on feet, to be exact), the outfit was complete: Tan “slacks,” a blue gingham dress shirt and a blue and red striped tie. Very young professional. Luckily for me, my son likes to dress up once in a while, so I’m sure this outfit will be recycled for the next “formal” event … Assuming he doesn’t grow out of it first.

Happy Confirmation, H!
P.S. A huge thank you to my parents, sister and nephew for coming to town to celebrate with us. You guys rock! Love you.
Awesome Sperrys! Also worn by my son for confirmation. Too bad the boys are not the same shoe size. You could have borrowed ours!!!
Congratulations to H! All grown up (but not really).
And you know H traded in those Sperry’s immediately for hi-tops as we raced over to his basketball game afterwards, of course