I’m about to lay down some truth, so you may want to sit down.
I’m not a natural brunette … at least not my current shade of chocolate brown with caramel and butterscotch highlights. I wish! (By the way, who else is now hungry after that color description?) I dye my hair. Well, actually, I don’t dye it. I have it professionally colored in a hair salon by a talented man who works hard to keep my grays hidden, even if only for a week or two. I could honestly color my roots every 10 days, but who has the time or money for that?!

With all the time I spend in the salon, I’ve come to realize a few things. Notably, …
- It’s hard for me to relax. Sitting still stresses me out. I can’t fully enjoy the pampering because I’m too anxious, thinking about all the things I should be accomplishing instead.
- I feel (slightly) guilty spending so much money. Professional coloring is expensive (not to mention time-consuming), but the results are SO much better than when I do it myself. I once even had to cut my hair into a pixie style just to remove all the damage I had done. True story.
- I’m tired! This may be why I don’t sit down much during the day … I fall asleep. Like really asleep. It happens often and not because I’m so relaxed (see #1 above).
- I am really out of touch with reality TV. It’s only temporary, though, because by the time I leave the salon, I know more about Kimye, the Real Housewives and Teen Moms than I care to admit.
- Hairdressers are like bartenders. Customers confide in them — airing their dirty laundry, detailing illnesses, bitching about in-laws, bragging about kids … I’m guilty of it, too, sometimes. Why is that?
- Having two stylists blow out my hair simultaneously is both luxurious and a tad creepy at the same time. All the attention does make me feel a little like a Hollywood celebrity, but it also has a bit of a menage a trois vibe to it. No further comment is required here … my mother reads this blog.
- Getting my hair colored and cut makes me happy. I always feel more confident when my grays are well-covered and my hair is freshly cut and styled. Maybe I’m vain, but who isn’t at least a little vain? Confidence = happiness and we all know that when mama’s happy, everyone’s happy. It’s a win-win.

So today, after I sat in the salon, agonized about my “To Do” list, thumbed through a few trashy magazines and dozed off once or twice, I returned home a happier (albeit less productive) mom. Thanks, Jeremy and Kat — see you in a few weeks to do it all again.
Hooray!! This was the realization I came to last week when I went to get the works done-so much happier having someone do it and loved sitting and reading magazines-we are worth it!! Btw your hair looks amazing
I’m so used to seeing you with your hair pulled up in a ponytail that I thought I was at the wrong house today! Just kidding.
You look fabulous and you are so worth the time and expense of hair maintenance. (Maybe you can borrow some money out of the budget for your husband’s hair stylist.)
Good hair days make a person happy. And when Mom’s happy, the whole family is happy.