We just moved our youngest into his freshman dorm. Because his older brother doesn’t go back to school until after Labor Day, we have one more to go before we officially enter empty nesthood.
So how did it go?
In a word: FAST (and definitely better than when we dropped H off for his freshman year, that’s for sure).
It took us just 40 minutes to move O into his dorm—our fastest dorm move-in yet!
I could take all the credit, since this was my sixth dorm move in. But it helped that O packed light and JMU’s move-in process was a well-oiled machine. (We had lots of help carrying bags in and there was no wait to get his keys and welcome packet.)

But we Tarrs were a well-oiled machine, too. While H and O filled the drawers and closet, S and I made the bed and took out the trash. After a quick Target run for LED lights and snacks (sans the boys), we were off. No big fanfare, no long goodbyes, no tears*. Just two photos (the max allowed by O), a tight hug, and that was it.
I did text O while we were walking to the car, telling him (again) I loved him and to check in soon. He sent back a thumbs up.
I didn’t cry on the way home. Or the next day. But I did tear up yesterday when I went into his room to change the bedding and found a candy wrapper and an empty Gatorade bottle under his bed. Then I smiled because I know he’d say he left them there for me to find as a reminder of him.
For the next two weeks, we’ll adjust to being a family of three. Then, just as we’re getting used to that dynamic, H will leave to start his final year of college. What are the chances we can move him into his townhouse ever faster than this last go-round?
Maybe the seventh time’s the REAL charm.
*Full disclosure: While I did not cry saying goodbye, I did have a brief (albeit intense) breakdown earlier in the morning during our family breakfast. Sometimes my sad comes out as mad
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