There was a time when I got excited about girly things like new jewelry, shoes, or a great pair of jeans. Now I’m excited about leggings with pockets, vacuum cleaners, and sponges.
This is not hyperbole; it’s true.
Case in point: Last month, my parents gifted me (and my husband, of course) money for our anniversary, telling us to “use it for something fun that you can enjoy together.”
“We” chose to buy a new vacuum cleaner. A fancy, high-end Dyson canister-style vacuum (that was on sale for 50% off because, after all, I am my mother’s daughter).
I do not think my husband shared in my joy.
Before the vacuum cleaner, it was a sponge that gave me joy; it gets my stainless steel pans shiny again! [Yes, that exclamation point is genuine and not superfluous.] And don’t even get me started on the toilet bowl pumice stone I found.
Who needs a Birkin bag when you have a shiny new Dyson, a no-name “made in China” miracle sponge, and a toilet scrubber?

Maybe it’s because I’m older. I do own multiple pill cases and can’t read a thing without my glasses …
Maybe it’s because I’m frugal and house poor. Kids/college ain’t cheap, and we’re still recovering from last year’s massive mold remediation and all the unexpected big expenses last month …
Or maybe it’s because I’m anxious. When my life feels out of control, cleaning calms me — although, it also stresses me out since the f*ckers I live with keep making messes, but that’s not the point …
The point is, at 51, I’m finally learning to be truly happy with what I have and embrace the little things that bring me joy on a regular basis (no matter how ridiculous) instead of waiting around for the big events or big gifts — because really, those things are few and far between.
For you, maybe it’s a daily Starbucks or a weekly mani-pedi. For me, it’s sponges and vacuum cleaners.
I’m not saying I’d turn down a trip to the Maldevis or a diamond bracelet for next year’s anniversary gift, but who needs big and sexy when you can have practical? It’s why I love leggings with pockets so much — they’re useful, practical, and comfortable to boot. Perfect for my lifestyle, just like a new vacuum cleaner.