November ended on a bittersweet note.
Last Friday, we drove up to Long Island to spend the day with family. My sister and her family (sans one) joined us at our parents’ house for what would be our last family gathering in our childhood home.
After almost 52 years, my octogenarian parents are moving. No more stairs to climb (or fall down). No more lawn to mow (not that they did that themselves). No more pool to clean (they cleaned it more than they used it).
It took nearly 18 months of negotiating, but they are finally moving to a senior-friendly space close to my sister.
To say it’s been challenging getting them onboard would be an understatement. They’re more stubborn than toddlers.
It wasn’t easy and it definitely wasn’t pretty at times (in case you’re new around here, I can be a little blunt), but we’re finally here. The house is sold and moving day is just three weeks away.
If we were another family, our “Last Supper” probably would have been tear-filled and melancholy. But the Deweys don’t do sad and sentimental. We do sarcasm and humor.
We told stories and shared funny memories, made fun of old neighbors, and laughed until we cried.
It was exactly what my parents needed.
It was exactly what my sister and I needed.
I’m sure moving day itself will be difficult. How can it not be after 52 years? But this final family dinner, crowded around the dining room table, was everything. The edible succulents were just icing on the cake.
There’s still a lot of packing and donating to do, but they’re making progress. Each of the boys left with a collection of their grandfather’s souvenir shot glasses, beer steins, sports memorabilia, and collectibles for their respective apartments and dorm rooms, and my trunk was filled with various “childhood treasures.” Not that any of use needed any of this stuff, but as my grandmother used to say, “It’s you or the garbage!”

This chapter may be closing, but a new one is about to begin. One I know will be filled with more stories and laughter … and more than a few frustrating moments for my sister and me, I’m sure. At the very least, it’s more fodder for the blog, so stay tuned!
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