I’ve written many posts about my husband — most of them positive — but the one that garnered the most attention was my 2022 Valentine’s Day post about our throuple (you can reread that gem here). As I explained in that post, my husband is the ultimate UVa sports stan, which is even more fitting because his name is Stan (professionally, he’s Stanley, but friends and family call him Stan).
For my older readers — yes, I’m looking at you, Mom and Kathy H. — “stan” is slang for super fan (super + fan) or obsessed fan (stalker + fan). The term was popularized by Eminem (he’s a rapper, Mom and Kathy) in 2000 when he released a song by the same name. For those who don’t know (again, I’m looking at you, Mom and Kathy), here’s the music video to help you better understand:
While my husband, Stan, is the O.G. stan (lower case ‘s’), he’s not my O.G. Stan (upper case ‘S’). That title belongs to my high school bestie’s dad, Stan Eisenstein, who passed away a few days ago.
O.G. Stan was sweet and lovable, an adorable Jewish man who wore matching tracksuits (it was the ’80s and ’90s, after all) and loved to play racquetball. He had a self-deprecating sense of humor (which I love) and was always making me laugh. We had a bunch of inside jokes that never got old, no matter how many times he recited them. We had a special connection.
Years later, when I told O.G. Stan that I was marrying another man named Stan, he was thrilled. “He must be a great guy,” he quipped, implying that it was obvious because of his name. I told him he was right, but assured him that he’d always be my first Stan love.
I wasn’t exaggerating.
Learning about Stan Eisenstein’s passing has made me sad and numb. He’s not the first of my girlfriends’ parents to pass, and, sadly, he won’t be the last. Unfortunately, last year, I wrote a similar post when my bestie’s mother passed away after an aggressive fight with cancer (you can reread that one here).
Watching our parents get older is hard. Really hard. Watching them die is even harder. I’m lucky enough to still have both my parents and even luckier that, minus a few issues, they are pretty healthy for octagenarians. O.G. Stan’s passing is another reminder for me to appreciate my parents while I still have them — even on those days when they drive me crazy because someday, I know I’ll miss it.

If your parents are still alive, call them and tell them you love them. Let this post be a reminder that life ends and time isn’t unlimited.
In loving memory of Stan Eisenstein. You’ll always be my O.G. Stan. Rest in peace.
My condolences about O.G. Stan, sounds like a really cool guy. You are correct about time not being unlimited…..my mother passed away in September and it’s still a tad surreal. There are things we haven’t discussed yet and now those are tabled forever.
Thank you, Tchaka. And I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure it still hurts.