Move over, Trader Joe’s … Wegmans is where it’s at!
Poor grammar aside, this statement is #truth — at least for me. I’m sure the diehard Trader Joe’s fans out there are shaking their heads at me, wondering how I could shun the cauliflower gnocchi, tiny avocados and Joe Joe’s cookies, but the answer is simple: I don’t. It’s just that Trader Joe’s is not my go-to grocery store. Frankly, the nearest store is too far, they don’t sell fresh meat or seafood and I have way too many food intolerances to rely heavily on pre-packaged food. Plus, the Trader Joe’s environment and it’s entourage of devotees remind me a bit of a Jimmy Buffet concert with all those Parrotheads: Fun at first, but too crowded and a bit over the top for me — although I do sing along happily to “Margaritaville” whenever I hear it; I mean, who doesn’t? And while I can appreciate the unconventional music selection, quirky signs and affordable floral arrangements, it’s just not enough for me to drive the long distance, bear listening to that clanging bell every time someone brings their own reusable bag or endure having my heels clipped over and over again by a toddler with one of those mini “customer-in-training” carts.

So where do I shop? I prefer Wegmans, with its large produce section, fresh seafood counter and custom butcher shop, extensive bulk food area and multiple allergy-free aisles. Plus, my Wegmans is open early, has a huge parking lot, no wonky-wheeled shopping carts, plenty of self-checkout registers, two sets of bathrooms at different ends of the store, a separate beer and wine section and even a full-on bar/restaurant for date night … What’s not to love? Granted, I could do without the cock-a-doodle-dooing rooster and I won’t step foot in there on a weekend, holiday or afternoon unless it’s a dire emergency (I don’t like crowds and I’m over the shopping-with-my-kids experience), but aside from that, it’s near grocery store nirvana for me.

I will admit that I’m not a Wegmans monogamist. Whole Foods is my next favorite these days, thanks in part to its early morning hours and my Amazon Prime membership benefits. Plus, they offer freshly carved turkey for my kids’ lunches, sell some of the herbal adaptagens I use and my boys love their yummy bakery department.
So is it weird to love a grocery store? Is it odd to write an entire post about it? Hell no! This is nothing compared to the high school drama teacher in Massachusetts who wrote an entire musical about Wegmans in 2012. [She’s even bringing it back to the stage this summer, if you want to catch it.] And since the musical angle has already been taken, I’ll just wax poetic here on my blog about my love of the world’s best grocery store because if the gym is my second home (which it is), then Wegmans is my third (and Whole Foods my fourth). True story: I’m there at least two mornings a week after the gym, buying all the glorious fruits and veggies, fish and poultry, nuts and spices I can carry. Can you say sweet tumeric blend and assorted squashes? Yum!

I do occasionally stop in to Trader Joe’s when I’m nearby to see what new items they have, and I still hit up my local Giant store for a few Giant-only items and to get my gas points. But I am Team Wegmans and Team Whole Foods all the way. I mean, does Trader Joe’s even have a musical? I think not.