Did I miss a memo? Did pants go out of style for boys?
It’s the middle of November and my boys are still wearing shorts. I guess I should be grateful that shorts are long and socks are tall so very little of their legs are actually exposed to the cold weather, but still …
This is not just some crazy fashion statement by my boys. I think it might be an actual trend. Boys at bus stops all around town are flashing skin, to the dismay of their respective mothers. Last week, it even snowed here in the Brandywine Valley. Not six feet like it did in Buffalo, NY — only a light dusting that disappeared by midday — but snow all the same. Add the wind chill to already cold temperatures and it’s downright freezing. Pants should be a no-brainer, right? Obviously, not for the Tarr boys.

Of course, I “strongly suggest” that they wear pants. Of course, they strongly push back. Their collective defense? They aren’t cold. Apparently, it’s hot in school. Too hot for pants, according to my 6th grader. Much too hot on gym days, according to my 3rd grader. They also point out that they are barely outside for more than a few minutes at a time and that they are wearing sweatshirts and knit hats. Valid points.
As I’ve said before, I don’t fight the wardrobe war with my kids. This explains why my boys are still wearing shorts and why my 8-year-old sometimes wears two different sneakers or three pairs of socks simultaneously. It’s not worth the argument. Besides, I’m pretty sure they each only have one or two pairs of pants that fit right now (but there’s an abundance of well-fitting shorts in their drawers). Guess I should go shopping.
So am I a bad mother for sending my kids to school in shorts in mid-November? Maybe. But if I am, I know I’m in good company.
You are soooo right and I get all those reasons too! Haha always love reading these keep them coming!