A New Year’s post on January 22? Yep, I’m a rebel like that. Know what else makes me a rebel? Not making any New Year’s resolutions this year. No promises to workout more or eat healthier (I’ve already got both of those on lock). No pledges to curse less or go with the flow more (I know neither of those will happen). No vows to conquer the world or achieve all my dreams (I’ll be happy if I can win a few days and weeks, here and there). No, 2019 is not the year I’m going to be fierce and slay all my lifelong goals. It’s the year I’m going to listen.

You may think this sounds lazy and lame, but it’s actually quite genius. If you’re #woke (as all the cool kids say), then you know that the dope thing to do in 2019 is to choose a one-word mantra to guide you through the year, rather than make a long list of resolutions that you’ll abandon by February. Being the trendsetter that I am, I kinda-sorta did this last year before it was all the rage. In my January 2018 post, I declared my “progress over perfection” motto to support the recycling of my resolutions from the previous three year. Sure, my “one word” was actually three, but the idea was the same: Using a word (or words) as a guiding principle for daily success throughout the year.
I like this idea because having a mantra feels empowering, while having a resolution feels daunting. Giving myself a 365-day deadline to become a better wife and mother, conquer all my health issues and crush my career goals is just stupid. No wonder I feel like a failure at the end of every year! But choosing a slogan or motto to steer me each day is affirming and inspiring; It feels more like a healthy reminder than an unachievable target.

Don’t get me wrong — I still have plans and aspirations. Lots of them. But I also recognize that putting a time stamp on my lofty ambitions hasn’t served me well in the past and it won’t this year either. My big dreams will take time. I’m okay with that. After all, daily progress is the best way to achieve true change.

So 2019 will not be the year that I master my anxiety, strike it rich or figure out what I want to be when I grow up. It will be the year that I listen — really listen — and hopefully learn along the way. I will listen to my body to hear what it needs and to my heart to follow where it leads. I will listen to my mind to find answers I already know and usually overthink, and to my soul to keep me grounded and in sync. I will also listen more actively to my husband and kids in order to really hear them and understand them. After all, this journey is not just about me; It’s about us.

Hopefully, my listening mantra will lead to personal betterment, improved relationships and even my true calling. Will it happen in 365 days? Probably not. Will I slay the listening game every day? Also probably not. I’m a ruminator, so getting out of my own way will be my biggest problem. But I’m up for the challenge because even as I climb into bed each night at 9PM, I know I’m still a BAMF(wi) and I got this. I know I’ve got this because my body, mind, heart and soul tell me so … and I’m listening.