My blog is called Lauren in Charge because I’m in charge of my own life. It’s not called Some Random Millennial Life Coach Said I Could because, frankly, I don’t need anyone’s permission to be me.
If you’re new here, let me set the record straight right off the bat: I’m a grown-ass woman and I do what I want — just like my grocery tote says. [Side note: Having a canvas grocery tote in and of itself screams grown-ass lady. Or maybe it just screams old lady. Either way, I do what I want.]
Apparently though, there are people on social media who feel they have the superior right and obligation to give the rest of us the green light to indulge in holiday treats, say no to our kids, day drink, not wear a mask/get vaccinated, or whatever the thing may be.

Excuse me, but f*ck you. I do not need anyone’s permission. For anything. Especially not the permission of some random, privileged millennial who took a 6-week online course to be a life coach and now thinks she’s an expert authority on all things health and wellness. Whether the words are “I give you permission to …” or “You have my blessing to …” doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s bullshit. Who are these people to tell me what I can and cannot do? Why do they get a say?
Spoiler alert: THEY DON’T.
I’m not saying that people can’t or shouldn’t post helpful advice or inspiring memes. That’s all good. What’s not good is when it’s framed in sufferance. It’s offensive and narcissistic.
In my blog posts and on my social media pages, I sometimes offer unsolicited advice through my stories (since you signed up to read this blog, I like to think it is solicited), but I always stop short of giving you permission to do or not do something because it’s not my place. I’m not your mother and you are not a small child. You’re a grown-ass adult with your own sense of agency. Eat the donut or don’t. You get to make your own decisions and choices, and so do I.
Words matter. If you’re trying to help someone feel better about a choice they are making, offer support and compassion. Not permission or approval, and definitely not your blessing. It’s obnoxious.