Today was MLK Day, the day we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King was a great man with an even greater dream: Human equality and justice in a world where people would “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

As the wife of a black man and the mother of two mixed race boys, I share King’s dream. As a citizen of the world and as a human being, I share King’s dream.

But I have other dreams, too. If I’m being honest, on a daily basis my hopes are far less global and far more self-serving. Specifically (albeit far less importantly), I wish for …
- thinner thighs and a higher tush
- no gray hair, cellulite or wrinkles
- a washer/dryer that folds clothes and puts them away, too
- self-cleaning toilets and floors that sweep themselves
- drama-free teen years ahead
- and a world where dark chocolate anything is calorie-free
Yes, I admit that this list pales in comparison to the ideas outlined in MLK’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. These are not inspirational wishes, but rather self-indulgent ones, I am aware. But let’s be honest ladies … Who doesn’t long for more toned legs? And peace on earth, too, of course.
Despite what you may be thinking right now, I’m really not that selfish and myopic. I try to do my (small) part each day to make the world a little nicer … Saying “please” and “thank you,” offering a smile or a compliment, holding the door open, teaching my own boys manners and compassion, among other things. Being kind and helping others makes me a happier person (my goal for 2015). That’s why I do it — not for recognition or a reward. It’s just the right way to behave.
That said, if someone wanted to thank me with a self-cleaning toilet or some calorie-free dark chocolate truffles, I probably wouldn’t say no. A girl can dream, can’t she?