Whenever I’m asked what my favorite color, movie, or song is, I stumble for an answer. Generally speaking, I don’t play “favorites” — although, some days, I do secretly have a favorite child (hint: it’s the one who’s not pissing me off when the other is).
I also have a few favorite words, but no one ever asks me about them. That’s unfortunate because “What’s your favorite word?” is far more insightful than “What’s your favorite color?” — unless, of course, you’re buying that person a sweater, in which case knowing his/her favorite word isn’t very useful.
I have four favorite words. Each one serves a different purpose and speaks volumes about what I believe in and the the kind of person I am. Curious? Read my list below, then tell me what your favorite word(s) is(are). I really want to know!

As a recovering people-pleaser, it took me years to learn how to say no — and say it without feeling guilty or shameful. It also took my years of therapy and personal growth to accept that no is a full sentence that does not require an explanation. #justsayno

I like this three-letter word because it signifies opportunity, possibility, and hope. Embracing the energy of yet is a real game-changer when dealing with something difficult or challenging. I believe so strongly in the strength of this word that I wrote an article about it for AutoimmuneSisters.com a while back; you can read it here.

Most things in life aren’t either/or — or at least they shouldn’t be. The magic of and is that it allows for complication. It allows for gray area. It allows for being more than just one thing. As someone who isn’t fully any one thing (an -ish girl, as I call it), I love this word.

Okay, I saved the best for last. This word does it all. It can be an adjective, an adverb, a verb, or a noun. It can be used in a sentence, a question, a command, or an exclamation. It can be positive or negative, sometimes crass, and always powerful. There really isn’t any time where this versatile word cannot be used — except maybe when you’re in church/temple or school. (If you’re interested in the history of the word, read here or here. You’re welcome.)
Unfortunately, none of my four favorite words will ever be the Wordle of the day, since none of them are five letters. But just know, if I ever create an online word puzzle phenomenon, the answers would always be NO, YET, AND, or FUCK. You can fucking bet on it!