NOTICE: Just like The Last Dance, all good things must come to an end, and I think that #myquarantinedlife has officially run it’s course. Rather than fizzle out, I’m going out on top and declaring this the final installment in my weekly mini-series. In the weeks to come, we’ll be returning to our regularly scheduled programming of midlife musings, so stay tuned for a healthy dose of tips, tricks, and unsolicited advice to get you through the ups and downs of being a middle-aged badass. But before I go, I’ll provide one last quarantine entry …

Today marks the beginning of June, with the official start of summer just around the corner. As my area of Pennsylvania finally prepares to enter the “yellow phase,” meaning a few more businesses are opening and we can expand our circles a little, I’ve decided to stop writing about the Coronavirus on a weekly basis. I can’t promise you that I won’t revisit or reference it in the weeks to come, but really — what more is there to say? After three full months (yes, that’s the same as 12 consecutive weeks!) of lockdown, every day is virtually the same — a mix of ups and downs, highs and lows, calm and stress, gratitude and annoyance. But because I am not one to miss an opportunity to repeat myself (just ask my kids), a summary of my experience is warranted. Plus, I’m still a little surprised that I’m still surprised by some of our “new” ways of living. For instance:
- I still can’t get comfortable wearing a face mask. (I can’t breathe, my glasses fog up so I can’t see, and for some reason I can’t hear either — Although, I think that has less to do with the mask and more to do with my aging ears.)
- I still get surprised when my iPhone facial recognition doesn’t work (Duh … Half my face is covered!)
- I still foolishly keep applying lip gloss before getting out of the car, forgetting that (A) no one can see it, and (B) it makes my lips stick to the face mask.
- I still get anxious going into Wegmans and Whole Foods (and I definitely still miss ambling through the aisles and being able to use their bathrooms. Now it’s like playing a game of Russian Roulette, whether or not I’ll make it home in time.)
- I still don’t understand why some people won’t follow the rules of personal space and social distancing. If I can feel your breath, you’re TOO DAMN CLOSE TO ME! (Frankly, this applies at all times, pandemic or not.)
- I still love my bidet toilet (have to mention it every week!).
- I still don’t like Zoom calls.
- I still get annoyed on a daily basis having everyone home ALL THE DAMN TIME.
- I still can’t get my shit together on a regular basis AND I still don’t feel like I have enough time in my day to get everything done. WT-actual-F?!
You’d think after three months I’d be better at this by now. The truth is, some days I still feel trapped and overwhelmed by it all. I know I cannot influence how quickly a vaccine is made or how others behave in relation to this pandemic. All I can control is me and my mood. Unfortunately for my #quarantinefour, my mood swings! Fingers crossed it swings in the right direction as we move towards “yellow.”

Keep washing your hands, wearing your masks, and keeping your distance, friends! Brighter days are coming.