Happy belated New Year! Sure, it’s already January 22, but until Wednesday, it still felt a lot like 2020 to me. Anyone else feeling that? Bueller? Bueller?
I don’t know about you, but the drain of last year didn’t magically disappear on January 1. Between the stress of the holidays, work, virtual school, financial challenges, having all my people still under my feet all the damn time, and the general daily shitshow that is pandemic life — not to mention dealing with an autoimmune flare up — I wasn’t ready to jump into the new year with grandiose resolutions on January 1. I wasn’t ready to claim my word or set my goals or make overarching declarations of a “new year, new me.” Frankly, three weeks in and I’m still not ready. But you know what? THAT’S OKAY.
I recently wrote an article for AutoimmuneSisters.org about my position for pushing pause on making New Year’s resolutions until you’ve had time to rest and recover from last year. It was written for autoimmune warriors like me, but the message really applies to anyone who’s still reeling from 2020 … So basically everyone.
There are 365 days in a year. Who says you have to start something new on January 1 — or at all, for that matter? You do you, boo. Guilt-free, no matter what those social media influencers and life coaches say.

If you’re feeling me on this pause button revelation, read my full article here. Or don’t. After all, you’re a grown-ass woman and you don’t need anyone’s permission to live your own life. Not even mine (wink, wink).