As the clock strikes 12, it is now officially Thanksgiving — a day to express gratitude for all that we have. Like everyone else on social media, I, too, am grateful for my loving (albeit sometimes frustrating) family, my lifesaving (but too far away) girlfriends, my (overall good) health and all my worldly (and mostly unnecessary) possessions. But at the risk of the inevitable backlash from those who can’t read sarcasm or appreciate my sass, I’m going to take a different approach to this week’s holiday. Instead of posting a long, sappy and, frankly, generic and expected, list of the things for which I am grateful this Thanksgiving, I am going to tell you about a few things for which I am not.
- I am not thankful for those stubborn 5 lbs. that keep finding their way back to me every few months … but I am grateful for my strength.
- I am not thankful for workouts that include thrusters, power cleans or manmakers … but I am grateful for finishing them.
- I am not thankful for food allergies and the digestive woes that accompany my autoimmune disease … but I am grateful for my newfound love of squash and eggplant.
- I am not thankful for teenage (and tweenage) moodiness … but I am grateful for glowing teacher reports (I guess they save their crappy attitudes just for me).
- I am not thankful for my husband’s long work hours … but I am grateful for his paycheck (and his dedication).
- I am not thankful for my twice (sometimes trice) nightly pee breaks … but I am grateful for a bathroom en suite.
- I am not thankful for always feeling cold … but I am grateful for hot tea and long sleeves with thumbholes.
- I am not thankful for hectic schedules … but I am grateful for carpools.
- I am not thankful for deadlines … but I am grateful for having paid writing and editing gigs (keep ’em coming!).
- I am not thankful for the far distance between my family and me … but I am grateful for them driving here to spend Thanksgiving with us.
I could go on about a dozen more things for which I am not thankful … prejudice, racism, long lines at the grocery store … But for every minor annoyance, I probably have two or three things for which to be grateful. Here are two of my favorites:

Happy Thanksgiving … Eat, drink and be grateful!