As bad as I am with expressions, the bastardization of this TikTok phrase is intentional for the sake of the blog title … And because I am silently judgy.
This blog could go in so many directions, but since I’m still newly in my Y-girl era, this will be a gym edition.
While I wholeheartedly believe everyone should be able to live life they way they want, I am a bit judgy when those decisions directly affect me in a negative way.
Especially at the gym.
I applaud everyone who’s in the gym, no matter their size, age, or ability. Good for you. Really. But there are people at the gym—other than those I mentioned a few weeks ago in my Geriatric Gym Goals post—who I take issue with.
Here are the biggest offenders, IMO:
- People who don’t wipe down the equipment—Some of you leave the area looking like you peed yourself. Sweat is a bodily fluid, dude. Clean that shit up.
- People who don’t re-rack the dumbbells properly—They’re the same people who don’t remove the plates from the weight bars. One word: rude.
- People who grunt excessively (I’m looking at you, gym bros)—We get it; it’s heavy. Lower the weight or at least take the volume down a notch. And stop making it sound sexual. It’s uncomfortable for all of us.
- People who talk—These people fall into three categories:
- Those who talk loudly on their phone (worse when it’s on speaker phone—and yes, I’ve seen this happen)
- Those who talk nonstop to their gym buddy/companion (also usually at a disturbing volume. I’m nosy but I don’t need to hear about your bunions, Doris)
- Those who talk to me (Do I really need to elaborate here?)
- People who smell—Body odor, perfume, cologne … It all makes me gag, especially when you stand too close. Please stop.
- People who sneeze or cough—I know it’s winter. But didn’t we all learn basic etiquette in kindergarten? To turn away from others, cover your mouth, and cough into your sleeve. Or carry tissues.
- People who just sit—If you’re lifting so heavy that you need a full 2-3 minutes of recovery in between sets, that’s fine. But move. This isn’t your private gym. You have to share stuff.
There are also a few people at the Y who I kinda judge, but not really. Their behavior doesn’t offend me so much as it baffles me.
I’m talking specifically about:
- The two men who wear jeans—Why? How? I can barely bend over to tie my shoes when I wear jeans. I so bewildered by this.
- The woman who wears the exact same outfit every day, six days in a row—I mean this literally: same shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt. Same color socks, too, although I can’t be sure they’re the same pair each day. There’s a guy who does this, too. I don’t think they know each other, so it’s not a family thing. And given the cars I see them each drive away in, it doesn’t appear to be done out of necessity. (If it was, I wouldn’t judge.) I just hope they change their underwear daily.
- The woman who wears Uggs to boxing class—Granted, I’ve only take this class once so far. Maybe this was a one-time occurrence for her. Maybe it was a last-minute decision to take the class and she forgot her sneakers. I’ll hold judgment until the next class, but I am still perplexed.
My husband says I’m too judgmental. Maybe I am. After all, I’m not exactly a people person. But I counter if people didn’t act like inconsiderate assholes, then I wouldn’t have anything to judge.

I guess I’ll be working on my douchebag tolerance while I’m working on my fitness. Maybe the Y will consider offering a class for this … I’ll have to ask.