Today is November 21 — my mother’s birthday (yes, she’s the adorable cover girl in the turkey hat shown above). It’s also two days before Thanksgiving — the worst (car) travel day of the year.
I’ve already driven up to New York twice this month: Once for a college tour, and then the next weekend for a bridal shower. Each time, I was able to parlay the trip into some quick-but-high-quality family time.
Next month, I’ll drive up twice more: First for Christmas, and then a few days later for a wedding. Again, I’ll spend time with family. Lots and lots of time.
It’s not even Thanksgiving and I’m already all family-ed out — and definitely all drive-ed out. It may sound selfish, but I need a break from peopling … so I’m taking one.
Not long ago, my bestie was teasing me about how low I’ve taken my low-key approach to holidays and other so-called ‘big events’. Well, @kerin_notkaren, I think I can go lower.
I’m not exactly boycotting Thanksgiving, but I am lowering the bar. A LOT. I’ve decided this year that I’m not going anywhere or having anyone over. I’m staying home with my husband and boys. That’s it. Just our core four. No travel, no fuss, no muss — although I’m sure there will still be some muss.
Don’t get me wrong … I’m not blowing off the holiday completely. I’m just not doing the whole big family thing. I will still cook, but for only four people, not twenty. And I’m taking the whole thing down a few notches.
Simple is the theme this year. No fancy tablescape with mini gourds, colorful leaves, and white lights. No elaborate pregame menu of appetizers and cocktails. No homemade pies and desserts. Just some store-bought apps for the boys while they watch football, a modest-sized turkey with a whole bunch of roasted veggies that I’ll cook while listening to an audiobook, and desserts purchased in advance that I will serve on ‘the good china’ to fancy it up just a bit.
That’s it … and I don’t feel guilty about it.
Honestly, minus the appetizers and dessert, this isn’t all that different from my nightly cooking routine. Just a bit more time-consuming with a turkey. Instead of an hour and a half, I’ll be in the kitchen for closer to four hours. At least I’ll have my audiobooks.
I get that this sounds self-serving and even anti-family, but I’m just not up for the long drive and all the extra people involved right now. Thankfully, my family (including my parents and sister) fully understand and support my decision. For that and for them, I am truly grateful and #blessed.
Happy Thanksgiving! See you next month, family. (BTW, we need new photos!)